Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Let's admire the exciting results after the design and construction process of Hase Tea & Coffee, executed by KenDesign, in the following article

Total area 80 m2 Investment cost 0 vnđ
Location Opal Tower Design unit KenDesign
Project investors Ms. Ha Vi Styles Liberal to break the way

Not adhering to a specific style in design, right from the early days, the concept of a Free-style café left a strong imprint on many. And until today, that design has truly come to life. The Constructing of Hase Tea & Coffee under the skillful hands of KenDesign engineers has provided customers with a standard space for relaxation, leaving behind the worries of daily life. Let's admire this admirable project through the following article.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Inspiration behind Hase Tea & Coffee Design

As a young and successful entrepreneur with fresh perspectives, Ms. Ha Vi - the project's investor - realized that there weren't many truly impressive Freestyle spaces in the market. Most cafes shared common characteristics and followed predictable patterns. Hence, with the desire to introduce an innovative space to her beloved city, where she resides, that could inspire creativity for many, she conceived the idea of creating Hase Tea & Coffee. A space that is genuinely fresh, unique, and captivating for customers.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

With faith and hope for a novel beverage business space in Saigon, Ms. Ha Vi partnered with KenDesign for a comprehensive design and construction collaboration. Naturally, our professional construction team swiftly embarked on the project, ensuring both functional and aesthetic value in every detail.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

After completing the design blueprint, KenDesign promptly initiated the café's interior construction process. One of the most significant challenges in constructing this café was the tight timeline. Alongside this was the blend of numerous different styles, which at times could lead to confusion. Thus, KenDesign maintained regular communication and discussions with the investor about construction plans and materials, avoiding unnecessary delays. 

Moreover, leveraging the rich experience gained from numerous previous large projects, the KenDesign construction team handled each step with utmost care. This allowed the construction process to proceed seamlessly, ensuring the best quality at all times. Instilling absolute confidence in the investor.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee - Unique Relaxation Space

Freestyle Design Inspiration

Deviating from a single dominant design style like most other cafés, the construction of Hase Tea & Coffee emerges amidst the urban space, adorned with layers of distinct aesthetics. From the fading robustness of the European industrial style to the freedom of modern beauty reflected in various interior details, and the nostalgic charm of Indochine’s classical breath. All are harmoniously mixed, creating a diversified and impressive symphony.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Making an impression on many begins right at the café's façade, one of the greatest successes of this freestyle café construction. No flashy lights, colossal signs, or unusual shapes. Just a simple combination of a few small potted plants, a few single chairs and a unique café logo are enough to capture the attention of passersby.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Exquisite Interior Space

Stepping inside, every customer is submerged into a melody with various rhythms and harmonies. The industrial-style ceiling structure adds a distinctive touch, standing out from the flat space below. This is followed by a meticulously and neatly installed lighting system, providing soft and balanced illumination. Suitable for both tranquil music appreciation and cozy reading, allowing people to escape life's worries.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

The construction of the cashier counter, located near the main entrance, is also a novel feature of the project. In contrast to many other stores, which place their cashier area deep within, Hase Tea & Coffee takes the opposite approach. This positioning allows customers to immediately see the order area upon entering, rather than having to search for it. Furthermore, this café's freestyle construction style allows the store's staff to have a more comprehensive view of the store's activities.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Unique Industrial Decor

Passing through a unique arched gateway, a different space unfolds before your eyes. While the front area design brings elegance and simplicity, the interior space presents a new realm of creativity. From slender iron-framed shelves to decorative details adorned with clusters of golden dried leaves, to the rustic and tenacious dried wooden trunks.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

In addition, in combination with the focus on the furniture system, the diverse and abundant cabinet system, especially the wall-hung painting that carries depth in its conception, has allowed the café to create a completely distinct beverage enjoyment space. It no longer merely serves as a place to sip drinks, transforming into an art exhibition with artistic paintings, diverse and abundant plant arrangements, and many unique pottery designs introduced by the investor. All meticulously crafted by the skillful hands of the construction team, creating an organized, perfect, captivating work of art, leaving a strong impression on many.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

The construction of Hase Tea & Coffee is truly unique and evokes deep emotions within us and those receiving it. Through actual images and the satisfaction of the investor, you surely understand the extent of responsibility and professionalism demonstrated by KenDesign in their work.

Construction of Hase Tea & Coffee

Design and Construction of Hase Tea Coffee

Therefore, if you require café or tea shop design and construction, don't hesitate to contact us. KenDesign takes pride in its highly skilled team of architects with extensive professional expertise and rich experience accumulated through numerous real projects. We are certain to provide exceptional design ideas to investors. Our flexible construction team, high level of expertise, and professional work ethic ensure impressive real-world projects regardless of timing or location. Moreover, we facilitate a professional and straightforward design and construction process, ensuring effective time and cost savings for investors. So, why wait any longer? Reach out to KenDesign today for a free consultation and abundant benefits.

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