The Design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant: Standing Out with Industrial Style

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant is a perfect blend of modern Industrial style and a youthful, fresh space. In this article, let's explore the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant – an incredibly creative project within the expansion of the BBQ Chicken chain in Vietnam, carried out by KenDesign.

Total area 100 m2 Investment cost 0 vnđ
Location Kon Tum Design unit KenDesign
Project investors Styles Liberal to break the way

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant is a perfect blend of modern Industrial style and a youthful, fresh space. In this article, let's explore the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant – an incredibly creative project within the expansion of the BBQ Chicken chain in Vietnam, carried out by KenDesign.

Project Overview

BBQ Chicken is a famous restaurant chain from South Korea, well-known among food enthusiasts of Korean cuisine. With the desire to expand the market in Vietnam, the investor has chosen Kon Tum city as the next destination. The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant aims not only to provide an excellent dining experience but also to create a unique identity, contributing to building a strong brand recognition.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Initial Condition of the Premises

The premises of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant cover an area of 100m2. Though not very large, it is sufficient to accommodate functional areas such as the payment counter, dining area, kitchen, and restrooms.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The initial layout of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum was previously used for a Vietnamese restaurant. This area includes indoor dining space and a spacious outdoor garden. However, this layout did not align with the business purpose and design style of the restaurant, so architect Huu Hoang from KenDesign decided to change the structure of the premises: removing partitioned areas to create a unified space for the restaurant. This approach maximizes the use of the premises' area, creates coherence in design, and is particularly convenient for customers dining. Additionally, the decision to alter the structure of the premises meets the investor's desire to build a chain-like space, making it easier to replicate the business model.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Design Concept of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The Industrial style is the perfect choice for the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant, bringing a strong, modern look while saving costs. The modern industrial style not only creates an impressive space but also reflects the essence of the BBQ Chicken brand: youthful, dynamic, and highly creative. The Industrial style utilizes raw materials such as concrete, leather, and industrial wood, creating a strong and distinctive beauty. Exposed brick walls, visible ductwork on the ceiling, and a meticulously arranged lighting system create an expansive space, leaving a lasting impression on customers visiting BBQ Chicken Kon Tum.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Design Style of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Architect Huu Hoang drew inspiration from post-apocalyptic sci-fi films. The world after the apocalypse retains some characteristics of a thriving development phase amidst the desolation. This unique inspiration is present in mysterious escape doors, stainless steel mesh, and a ventilation system reminiscent of a lab in sci-fi films.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The key highlight in the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant is the harmonious blend of Industrial style, creative inspiration under the talented hands of the architect, and unique decorative elements. Exposed brick walls bring a realistic and strong feeling, combined with shiny metal details, creating not only a modern but also a luxurious and industrial aesthetic. The ceiling with exposed ductwork and industrial lighting system creates an expansive and airy space, accentuating the Industrial style.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Minimalist, Modern Interior Space

The industrial modern design style of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant is recognized through simple design lines, minimalist interior, and the use of industrial materials such as metal, concrete, leather, and wood. These elements are skillfully applied to create a cozy dining space without losing strength and character. 

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The tables and chairs are designed according to the signature style of the BBQ Chicken chain, combining convenience and aesthetics. In the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant, various leather chairs with different styles such as single chairs, armchairs, and double chairs are used to offer a diverse and comfortable experience for customers. The combination of multiple chair types in the interior design not only helps optimize the number of customers served but also enhances the restaurant's operational capacity and revenue. 

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Following the modern, edgy design approach, the interior space of the restaurant prioritizes simplicity and tidiness. Complex and elaborate decorative details are eliminated, replaced by minimalist elements that still highlight the restaurant’s beauty, such as photos of signature dishes on the menu, LED decorative signs, and some types of green plants that fit the overall space.

Distinctive Brand Colors

The color scheme in the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant combines neutral tones such as gray, black, and white, accented by vibrant colors like red-orange and blue. This combination not only creates a youthful and fresh look but also brings a bright and energetic feel. Among the rather dark space created by concrete and metal materials, the inclusion of orange and blue creates an impressive visual contrast. The sensations are balanced, providing a comfortable and pleasant experience for customers visiting the restaurant while maintaining the unique characteristics of the design style.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

Well-Invested Lighting System

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant cleverly utilizes natural light combined with LED lighting and ceiling lights to deliver an excellent experience for each customer. The use of full-height glass doors and transparent ceiling glass brings natural light into the restaurant, making the space brighter and warmer. Additionally, the harmonious combination of industrial lights, pendant lights, and wall-mounted lights not only provides sufficient illumination for the entire space but also creates aesthetic highlights, contributing to making the restaurant space more attractive and unique. Decorative LED lights serve as a decor highlight reminiscent of vibrant, colorful Korean street food stalls. Combined with the bright light from the signs, the space at BBQ Chicken Kon Tum becomes more lively and joyful than ever.

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant

The design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant with Industrial style has successfully created a modern, youthful, and impressive dining space. The harmonious combination of design elements, interior materials, and colors has created a unique space, enhancing BBQ Chicken's brand recognition in the Kon Tum market. We hope this article helps you understand more about the design of BBQ Chicken Kon Tum Restaurant and provides useful ideas if you plan to implement your own project. 

KenDesign - Professional Design and Construction Unit 

If you plan to open a restaurant, café, or hotel in the future, contact us for quick and free consultation. We are proud to be a reputable restaurant design and construction unit nationwide, with a young and dynamic team of architects with high expertise and extensive skills, along with an experienced and enthusiastic construction team. Moreover, KenDesign has executed many projects nationwide and internationally, ensuring to bring you the most impressive and unique constructions.

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